Osprey Cam
Watch live streaming video from hellgateosprey at livestream.com
I’ve been watching this amazing nestcam of an osprey family in Missoula, Montana, for the past two months. Okay, yes, it is a bit of an obsession, but honestly, it is a nice thing to do when the temp outside is 106. I’ve shared it with some of the children enrolled in our summer camps and they have really enjoyed watching whenever they pass by my computer. The webcam was set up as part of a study about osprey and the environmental factors they face. You can learn all about the Osprey Project on their Facebook page.
The eggs were laid in May and hatched in June. The mom is Iris and the dad is Stanley. The babies are Crown Royal (73), Captain Hook (72) and Squish (71). The babies are getting ready to leave the nest very soon...possibly two or three weeks? ~Dana
Screenshot of nest, taken on July 19. If you watch the webcam you will see how much the babies have grown in just one month.