I realize I haven't been posting on our blog very often. I think it's because we use The Quailblazer Times during the school year. It seems it has taken the place of our blog. But we don't use The Quailblazer during the summer, so I thought I'd give you a glimpse of what we've been up to.
Things have slowed down to a crawl, but the calm summer days offer many opportunities...
Primary, Session #2, singing a little song outside
Session #1, elementary students enjoying a leisurely lunch on the back patio.
Sunflower photo for an art project.
Mosaic Madness!
Many of you know, Korey has been working with the children all year on the ceramic pieces for the mosaic in the barn.
Summer has brought the time needed for her to actually work on getting it finished.
She spent a week or two putting all the pieces into place on boards.
The next step was to detail and clean up around all the pieces, before it could be grouted.
Grouting came next...
Korey sealed and buffed it and it is now complete! Be sure to go check it out if you are visiting the school.
It's a work of art!
We also have a beautiful new addition in the front of the school.