Admission Process
Thank you for your interest in Children’s House Montessori School. At this time, we maintain a waiting list for each classroom. The following application process must be followed in order to guarantee your child a position on our waiting list and subsequently, if a space becomes available, gain admission into our school.
1) Begin by completing an Application for Admission. Forms are also available at the front desk or call the school and we'd be happy to mail an application to you. Include your child’s up-to-date immunization record.
2) If possible, please bring your completed application to the school. Include your child’s up-to-date immunization record. Please try to avoid drop-off and pick-up times; 9am, noon & 3pm. If it is not possible to bring in the application, please email or mail it to us.
3) Upon receipt of your application, your child will be placed on the appropriate waiting list. Beginning in April or May, the admission process, for new students, begins with the scheduling of school observation tours and parent interviews. Tours and interviews will only take place if we have openings available.
Admission Policies
• Applications are considered for students from ages 2 years* to 12 years, without regard to race, national/ethnic origin, or religion. *2 years on or before Sept. 1st.
• Siblings and children currently enrolled in Children’s House have priority over new admissions in class placement. For our preschool, kindergarten and elementary programs, priority is also given to children attending our summer program, held the summer prior to the school year. Note: Summer enrollment for students on a waiting list is contingent on available summer openings.
• Expressions of preference regarding classes and sessions will be honored if possible.
• All new students are accepted on a ten day trial basis.
• All primary (3 and 4-year-olds) preschool applicants must be toilet trained before being considered for enrollment.
• If the program applied for is full, the applicant will remain on the waiting list for six months. Applicants must call every five months in order to maintain their position on the list.
Enrollment Information:
2024/2025 School Year
After the admission process, if an opening becomes available for your child, you will be notified by phone or email. At this time (usually May or later, for students entering the school for the first time) you will be asked to complete an Enrollment Form and pay the $500.00 Enrollment Deposit. This one time deposit will be deducted from the annual tuition amount. The Enrollment Deposit is per child and is non-refundable.
You will then receive a Tuition Payment Agreement based on the information you provided on your Enrollment Form. The annual tuition fee is based on the number of school days for your child's class and hours, multiplied by a daily rate. •Tuition payment for each program is based on a school year of 10 months and can be made in annual, semi-annual, or 10 monthly installments. Monthly installments are due on the 1st of each month. Please note: some months, such as December and June, are short months, but installment payments remain the same. If paying in monthly installments, you must pay the last month's tuition (June 2026) by June 1, 2025.
•For pre-primary, primary (preschool & kindergarten), and elementary, the second monthly installment will be due September 1, 2025, along with a Materials Fee.
The Materials Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
Click on the link below for tuition rates and to download the admission and enrollment information above.
Tuition Rates
Download Admission and Rate information to see the rates for the coming school year as well as the information shown above. You will need Adobe Reader to download these files.
We offer credit card services for an additional 3.75% of your tuition. This is roughly $10 to $25 per monthly payment. You would need to bring your credit card to the office each month. We also offer payment through Brightwheel.
Please see our Summer page for information about our summer sessions.
Questions about admission or enrollment?