
The plans for our Twenty-eighth Annual Children’s House Auction are under way! For our new families, this is our big fundraiser of the year and a fun-filled evening for parents. It is a combination, Silent and Live Auction, and for the fourth year, our event will be an early evening event, and will include a dinner, beverages and all outdoor seating.
We would like to see every Children’s House parent participate in this event. This is a special occasion where we can all get together without our children, build lifelong friendships with each other and have a great time. Although donations and attendance are on a volunteer basis, we hope to have 100% participation, of course!
~ Our theme this year is “Garden Party” Feel free to have fun with your attire and wear something colorful!
~ DATE & TIME:  4:00 p.m. on SATURDAY, MAY 3, 2025
~ PLACE:  Right here! We are thrilled to host our 28th Annual Auction and Dinner, right here on our lovely playground and patios for both the silent and live auctions.

~ PRICE:  YOUR COST IS $90.00 per PERSON. Your ninety dollars gives you entrance into a magical event, including appetizers and dinner from Colony Culture, an open wine, beer and cider bar, with some of our prestigious local wineries and breweries, many of which are owned and/or operated by our Children’s House parents and alumni families!

As always, there are a limited number of spaces available, however, with the outside venue, we can accommodate more people, so we encourage you to invite your friends and family. You won’t want to miss your chance to support your child’s school and enjoy this wonderful day. Please start by registering your credit card. You can also purchase your dinner tickets on the Auction website. If you would rather pay by cash or check, please complete and return the Reservation Form. Reservations are due April 21, 2025. Auction website:

~ THE AUCTIONEER and MC: Cody Dawson @slo_auctioneer has been a professional auctioneer for over 15 years. He works exclusively with benefit auctions, like our own. He is counseling us in making some modifications to the way we have typically done things so we are excited to branch out and share these fun changes with you all! We are also  excited to have Kirk Nordby as our MC this year. Kirk is dad to Hudson in the toddler class.

~ THE FOOD: Monika from Colony Culture will provide a delicious menu. Details and menu coming soon.
~ DONATION SUGGESTIONS:  This year our plan is to have less items but they will all be special. Our auction committee has come up with specific themes for each classroom and will be contacting you to let you know what is needed. There will be a different theme for each room, with Primary and Lower Elementary having two baskets/lots. The themes are as follows:
•Toddler: Movie Night •Primary: Self-Care •Primary: Cooking
•Kindergarten: Gardening •Lower El: Great Outdoors • Lower El: Coffee/Tea •Upper El: Wine
Watch for emails from the committee members soon.

In addition to the themed baskets/lots, we will also need a few more special items for both the silent and the live. Special donations can be anything the audience would have fun bidding on for a good cause (our school!) and then splurging on the purchase. The items that do the best are experiences…for example, we have had a fabulous dinner for ten, including wine and hors d’oeuvres, an overnight at an AirBnB with a basket lunch, a weekend at a vacation condo, or a week long trip at a special location! This year, you may also see a Paddle Raise and/or a Fund a Need! These are new for us and we look forward to some new ideas for generating donations from our friends and families.
~ DONATION DESCRIPTIONS AND DELIVERY:  We will share more with you as we work out the details for the classroom themed baskets/lots. We are hoping every family donates to these baskets. In addition, if you or someone you know has a unique item or an experience they are willing to donate, please fill out the online donation description form or print and complete the Donation Form from our website, by March 27th. The items themselves should be brought to the school on April 7, 2025. Please access our "Dear Community Friends" letter if you need to give information to a prospective business. Email us at, if you have donation questions.
~ THE PROCEEDS: Angelica has many ideas for things she would like to implement at our school, such as a student garden, a cooking program, additional research books, updated computers for our elementary students research reports, and a unified online assessment system called Transparent Classroom to track and record students progress. She has also taken inventory and noticed several “well-loved” learning materials that need to be replaced and upgraded. This auction will help her make a significant dent in turning that vision into reality!

Last year, the proceeds allowed us to produce our end of the year musical of Willy Wonka, complete our school library, create a new Art Room, renovate our preschool and kindergarten bathrooms and purchase new beautiful materials for our classrooms. For those of you who participated in previous auctions, we thank you! 

And now, in advance, we thank you so much for your continued support and generosity!

If you have any questions, or you are not quite sure about an idea that you have, please email or call and talk it over with one of the Auction Committee members.
The Auction Committee: Shannon Ashby, Claire Braico, Jessica Cormany, Korey Dudley, Julie Fischer, Elizabeth Graves, Elise Herrera, Stacy Hutton, Tori Keen, Rebecca Leduc, Jennifer Robins, Shannon Schomp, Vicki Taylor, Chenise Turrey, Dana & Angelica

March 19, 2024

Hello from "Auction Central". Four days and counting... 1. We invite you to take a moment at drop off and pick up BEFORE FRIDAY to come see all the incredible donations that are accumulating inside the foyer!   2. Parking on Saturday... We have been invited to use the Hidden Springs Tree Farm driveway as overflow parking. Please just pull to the right so others can drive through.   3. Just a friendly reminder to plan on using Uber or Lyft to get home, or have a DD. We love you and want you safe.
4. We are holding on for no rain, but we are afraid our 70+ degree weather will not be here. The auction is all outdoors so dress comfortably and warmly!    Lastly (for today), If you can’t make it in person to see the array of donations, please see the links below for some of the amazing Children's projects that were lovingly and artistically made by each classroom. As many of you know, these are keepsakes that will become family heirlooms! We are so proud to share them with all of you!   Toddlers:   Toddler Garden Sculpture
Toddler Stepping Stone
Toddler Ceramic Vase   Primary: Painted Porch Swing Framed
Primary Stepping Stone
Primary Ceramic Vase
  Kindergarten: Adorable Animals. Magnetic Board Frame
Kindergarten Stepping Stone
Kindergarten Ceramic Vase   Lower Elementary: Ceramic Tiles on Concrete Planter
Lower El Stepping Stone
Lower El Ceramic Vase
  Upper Elementary: Alice in Wonderland Chess Set
Upper El Stepping Stone
Upper El Ceramic Vase
You can also see the entire catalog, with pics! We have the most generous families and community ever! We are beyond grateful! Thank you!

27th Annual Auction is…
7 Saturday, March 23, 2024
2:00 pm
7 Back Patios & Lawn, Children’s House
7 Atascadero, California

You will receive an auction packet in your parent cubby, but here are the important dates to know:

=February 15, 2024-
Donation Descriptions Due

=February 23, 2024-
Reservation Forms Due

=March 8, 2024-
Bring in Donated Items

=March 23, 2024-

Everything you need is in your Auction packet. If you need more forms, see below, or let us know. You can also do everything online…complete your donations, register, and purchase tickets.

Online Auction Donation Description Form
You can print and return the
Auction Donation Description Form

Register and
Get your tickets here
Auction Reservation Form to print, complete and return

Business Letter "Dear Community Friends"

See a list of all the amazing items we had last year for the 2023 Auction!
and/or check out this great
List of Ideas!

May 12, 2022
Hello from "Auction Central". Two days and counting...

First of all…  We miss all of our foyer visitors! Since you are now dropping your children off outside, no one comes into the foyer anymore. SO we invite you to take a moment at drop off and pick up BEFORE FRIDAY to come see all the incredible donations that are accumulating here!
Secondly,  Parking on Saturday... We have been invited to use the Hidden Springs Tree Farm driveway as overflow parking. Please just pull to the right so others can drive through.
Thirdly... Just a friendly reminder to plan on using Uber or Lyft to get home, or have a DD. We love you and want you safe.
Lastly (for today), If you can’t make it in person to see the array of donations, please see the links below for some of the amazing Children's projects that were lovingly and artistically made by each classroom. As many of you know, these are keepsakes that will become family heirlooms! We are so proud to share them with all of you!
"Circles in Ceramic", Toddler Wall Sculpture
"A Work of heART", Primary Framed Sculpture
"Ode to Van Gogh’s Sunflowers", Kindergarten Sculpture
Lower Elementary:
"Our Mystical, Whimsical Sunflower", Lower Elementary Sculpture
Lower Elementary, Fox Quilt
Upper Elementary:
"Sunrise on the Garden" Bench, Upper Elementary Mosaic
“Little Rugs” Upper Elementary Woven Sculpture
You can also see the entire catalog, with pics!

Go to our
2022 online Auction website for all the details. We will be adding items as we receive them, so check back regularly.

Auction Save Date 2022

Everything you need is in your Auction packet. If you need more forms, see below, or let us know.

Online Auction Donation Description Form
You can print and return the
Auction Donation Description Form

Auction Reservation Form to print, complete and return

Business Letter "Dear Community Friends"

Do you need ideas for your donation?
Check out the
Auction website from 2020.

Auction Photos from the Past
silk scarf
stepping stones
kindergarten self portraits mosaic on a lazy susan

2013 Student Made Items

student art - birdsstudents with auction items
parent sitting in arbor bench
2012 Student Made Items

checkerboard table with chairscheckerboard table close upceramic tiled birdbath
2011 Student Made Items

auction 2011 02 auction 2011 03
2011 Table Settings

2010 Student Made Items

2010 Table Setting with Screen Printed Napkins for 30th Anniversary

mosaic fountainsunflower - student artstudent made rocking chairs and shoji screen
2009 Student Made Items

DSC00796 DSC00808
2008 Donated Items (left) Student Made Items (right)